Rabbits are much more than the cute, carrot-munching creatures pop culture makes them out to be. They can dig sophisticated tunnels, grow to weigh more than 20 pounds, and even eat their own poop. Here are some more facts worth knowing about the beloved mammals. 1. THEY CAN'T LIVE OFF CARROTS. ISTOCK Cartoons suggest that rabbits can happily survive on a diet of carrots alone. But in the wild, rabbits don’t eat root vegetables—they’d much rather munch on greens like weeds, grasses, and clovers. That doesn’t mean you can’t give your pet some carrots as a snack from time to time, but don’t overdo it: Carrots are high in sugar and contribute to tooth decay in 11 percent of pet bunnies. 2. SOME RABBITS ARE AS BIG AS A TODDLER. ISTOCK Not all rabbits are cute and tiny. Some, like the Flemish giant rabbit , grow to be downright monstrous. This rabbit breed is the world's largest, reaching 2.5 feet in length and weighi...